JAKARTA - Google and Samsung are reportedly working together to develop Health Connect. This platform is claimed to be able to simplify the synchronization of health and fitness data between applications.

The platform and application Programming Interface (API) will later provide developers with a set of tools to synchronize user health data between applications on Android devices.

Health Connect, developed by the two tech giants, is expected to be a single platform, making it easier for users to track their health and fitness data across multiple different platforms.

With Health Connect, developers can compile their health data in an encrypted manner that is located on the user's device. Google says users will get full control over what kind of data they share and what apps they share.

If more than one app collects the same type of data, users can choose to share that data with only one app over others. Currently, Health Connect supports more than 50 data types across a number of categories, including activity, body measurements, cycle tracking, nutrition, sleep and vitals.

"We are working closely with Google and other partners to realize the benefits and full potential of Health Connect," said Samsung executive vice president, TaeJong Jay Yang.

"With user permission, this will allow app developers to take advantage of the accurate and optimized data measured on the Galaxy Watch for Samsung Health and use it in their apps as well."

Although Health Connect is currently still in open beta, it is accessible to all Android developers.

In addition to Samsung, Google is also working with developers MyFitnessPal, Leap Fitness, and Withings on an early access program.

Google Fit and Google's Fitbit will also adopt Health Connect, meaning the technology will need to be available in time for it to be released on the Pixel Watch later this year.

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