JAKARTA – Opera Browser, which has penetrated into the realm of Web3 and has become a crypto browser, is reported to have officially launched a beta version for iOS. Since last January, Opera's Crypto Browser has been available for Mac and Windows users, as well as Android phone users.

The launch of the beta version for iPhone and iPad is the latest. Opera decided to become an initiative that focused on Web3's decentralized internet. It is intended to support navigation across various decentralized applications (Dapps), blockchain games, and metaverses.

In addition, the company also announced important features such as the Opera digital wallet which allows its users to buy, sell and transfer cryptocurrencies. Not only that, but users will also be able to recover their crypto wallet with an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) with Opera Wallet to be able to integrate users' crypto assets.

The capabilities of the crypto-based Opera browser are also equipped with a homepage that displays some of the latest NFTs that can be purchased through the news aggregator Crypto Corner. It doesn't stop there, the browser will also display price updates for crypto assets, gas fees, airdrops and crypto-related education.

Opera also announced that its browser is equipped with cryptocurrency mining protection and is able to block "cryptojacking" scripts that can harm the performance of iPhone or iPad devices. Other security features including a native ad and tracker blocker, pop-up blocker, and an intuitive Cookie Dialog Blocker are readily available.

According to Jorgen Arnesen, EVP Mobile at Opera, Crypto Browser targets the growing interest on the Web3, from both veteran crypto users and newcomers.

“Opera's Crypto Browser project was built to simplify the Web3 user experience that often confuses mainstream users. Opera believes Web3 must be easy to use to reach its full potential and mass adoption.”

Additionally, the browser company added support for eight major blockchain ecosystems — Bitcoin, Solana, Polygon, StarkEx, Ronin, Celo, Nervos Network, and IXO. Opera says that they plan to integrate more Proof-of-Stake chains in the future.

More recently, Opera partnered with Yat, a platform that allows the creation of emoji-based web addresses or URLs. Opera's “emojifications” allow users to surf the web across its platforms by entering certified Yats, or a series of emoji, into the URL bar instead of letters and words as Cointelegraph reports.

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