JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate stated that he is continuing to explore cooperation with various parties for the application of 5G technology, especially for the development of smart cities and the Indonesian capital. has been commercially launched in 2021.

“President Joko Widodo has a very firm policy in the development of ICT. We have made substantial investments to bridge the digital divide in rural areas. At the same time, we also want to apply the latest technology, such as 5G," he said in his statement, Sunday, March 6.

Johnny stated that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is building collaboration on the application of 5G technology with all parties.

"We open opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing with global ICT providers, including Huawei," he said.

According to Johnny, after the commercial launch of the 5G telecommunication network last year, telecommunication operators have started initial operations in 13 cities in Indonesia. In fact, the Government is preparing a radio frequency spectrum for 5G network distribution.

“This year we will hold a spectrum auction. Our New Nation Capital will be a fully 5G-supported capital city. Therefore, we need to build ICT infrastructure to support 5G operations in autonomous cities," he said.

The Minister of Communication and Information stated that Indonesia will showcase its experience of implementing 5G technology at the G20 Summit. "Indonesia's G20 presidency is a momentum to develop an inclusive digital transformation," he said.

Huawei's Vice President for the Asia-Pacific Region, Jay Chen expressed his appreciation for the visit of the Minister of Communication and Information to both Huawei.

"We would like to express our high appreciation for the visit to the Huawei hall and useful discussions," he said.

According to Jay Chen, Indonesia is one of Huawei's most strategic partners with impressive economic development and digital transformation in recent years.

"Indonesia is on the fast track to adopting 5G technology, where its full implementation and use can be a game-changer and a fundamental solution, whether for smart cities, governance, transportation, mining or healthcare," he explained.

Jay Chen expressed support for Indonesia in realizing digital transformation.

"With comprehensive research and development in 5G technology since 2009, we can support Indonesia in realizing this goal," he said.

Jay Chen stated that he would continue to contribute to providing added value to Indonesia's digital ecosystem, through strengthening 5G and Cloud infrastructure, preparing digital talent, and other initiatives.

"In the future, we can explore further into a collaboration to support the Indonesian economy and the telecommunications industry to go further," he said.

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