JAKARTA - Instagram keeps its promise by bringing chronological feeds back into its app. Along with that, social media has also rolled out some major changes to the way their feeds work.

In a video shared by Instagram boss Adam Mosseri, he explains that there will be a new menu with three options for how the Instagram feed will display posts.

First, there is the Home menu, where Instagram will display feeds sorted using an algorithm based on what the app thinks will be of interest to each user.

While the second option is the Favorites menu, it will allow anyone using the app to easily follow all the content from a small group of friends and family. Third, users can still find uploads from other people they follow in the Following menu display wrapped in a chronological feed.

Mosseri says that non-chronological feeds will show more recommendations over time, serving more as another content discovery hub than the following content from people who are already followed.

Quoting TechCrunch, Thursday, January 6, Mosseri said, all these changes will roll out in the next few weeks. The company will also release the final version of the chronological feed in the first half of 2022.

Instagram users enjoyed chronological feeds for years, but the company preferred to switch to algorithmic feeds in 2016, after years of forecasting from Facebook's parent company now Meta, that the app would be the next ad hotbed.

With algorithmic feeds, Instagram can intersperse the ads that still dominate there, but now they prefer to revert to the original application as a chronological photo-sharing space.

For information, the company is not reintroducing chronological feeds just to make users happy, if the response is negative, then Instagram will immediately revert the changes as in 2016.

With Instagram's decision to bring back this chronological feed they are just making the app safer or better for users, to avoid bad information or something like that.

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