No Service Status Appears On The IPhone Bar Icon, Do This Way To Solve It
No Service Status Appears on iPhone Icon Bar, Do This Way to Solve It (iPhon.FR)

YOGYAKARTA - iPhone is the most widely used smartphone today. Many users choose the iPhone because it is considered to have better quality than other cellphones.

However, that does not mean that Apple's smartphone does not have any problems at all when used. Sometimes, the iPhone device cannot be used because the iPhone No Service status appears in the icon bar.

iPhone No Service status prevents users from making phone calls or accessing the internet. It also makes you unable to access a number of applications on your device, such as the browser engine, to social media.

The iPhone No Service problem is often encountered by its users. There are many reasons for this, from your cellular service provider experiencing a technical problem to your location being too far from the network transmitter.

If the iPhone no service problem lasts for a long time, it can make users confused because you can't communicate with your colleagues using the smartphone.

Therefore, if you encounter this problem, below the VOI team has summarized the steps you can take to solve it.

How to Fix iPhone No Service

One of the easiest ways to solve the No Service issue on iPhone phones is to restart the device. The reason is, prolonged use can cause your iPhone to not work optimally.

As for how to reset an iPhone device, it's quite easy, users can enter the Settings or Settings menu on your cellphone, in the form of a gear icon.

Next, scroll down until you find the General or General setting option, and go to that option.

In the next section, you can select the "Transfer or Reset iPhone" menu. Select the Reset menu, so a new banner will appear showing several options that you can choose from to reset your iPhone.

To fix iPhone No Service, users can select Reset Network option, and you will be asked to reconfirm the request to confirm if you really want to reset iPhone.

Once you confirm the request and continue with the process, your iPhone will automatically shut down and reload devices, such as VPN networks and APNs.

Wait a few moments until your phone turns on automatically and your iPhone will have a network again that can connect the phone to the internet or use it for calls.

If after performing the steps above your phone still can't be used, the user can check the device at the nearest Apple store to check for problems with your phone.

That's the way you can do to solve the iPhone No Network problem on your smartphone.

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