This Type Of Data Is The Cause Of Slow Android, Clean It This Way
This type of data causes slow Android, clean it this way (Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA - Every Android smartphone has various types of data stored in the storage space. However, there is some data that your device doesn't really need but is stored automatically.

This can affect the performance of your Android such as the device being sluggish. Therefore, users should clean up files that they don't need in smartphone storage space.

Memory management on mobile phones such as cleaning unused files is very important, especially for phones with small storage space.

The memory management system on Android smartphones categorizes data usage by types such as Applications, Games, Pictures, Videos, Documents, Others, or other data.

Files that fall into the Others category are files that do not have a specific type. Therefore the files stored in that storage management are not in any other file type.

Therefore, when you want to clean up unused files in storage space, you have to use a slightly different method compared to other files.

If you want to clean the Others file because it interferes with smartphone performance, but don't know how to do it, below, the VOI team has compiled the steps you can take to solve the problem.

How to Clean Others Files on Android Smartphone

To clean the Others file on your smartphone, the first step you can take is to open the Settings menu on your Android device.

Next, you can select the Storage menu in the Android device settings. The menu position is under the Device Care menu so you can scroll the cursor down.

After that, you will get a list of files on your device and there will be an 'Others' storage option along with a description of the space used.

To clean files that are not categorized in your phone's storage space, click the Others menu, then select Clean Up to clean them.

Later, files that fall into the Others category on your smartphone device will be cleaned. It will also make the performance of your previously slow phone more stable.

For the record, each brand of Android smartphone has a different look and menu to clean the Others files in storage space. However, in general, users can use the steps above to clean it.

That was the way you can clean the Others file on the user's Android smartphone, so that the device's performance becomes more stable when used.

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