JAKARTA - The photo editing application, Adobe Photoshop, presents a new feature that can prevent misinformation or hoaxes, which are identified through a photo on the social media universe.
Citing Engadget, Saturday, August 15, this new feature will help users identify whether images obtained from social media have been previously edited or not. This Photoshop feature is presented through Initiative Content Authenticity technology, which is claimed to be able to withstand the spread of edited images online.
In addition, this feature will also use metadata and cryptographic tagging which can help the public correctly associate and verify the authenticity of images, videos and other content. The technology will soon get its first test.
"Efforts to tackle the authenticity of content are mostly focused on using AI to detect deep forgery and other altered media," said Adobe representative Andy Parsons.
With this technology, Photoshop will allow tagging or tags on images. The tag includes information about who took the photo (photographer), the location and time at which the image was taken.
All these details will be handled cryptographically to ensure their authenticity. There are several technology giants and even the media who are involved in developing this project, including the BBC, CBC or Radio Canada, Microsoft, University of California, Truepic and Witness.
Meanwhile, due to the proliferation of misinformation on the internet, Adobe plans to integrate this technology into its social media, Behance.
The initiative could one day also help social media networks like Twitter and Facebook support the automated systems they already use to tag misleading images.
One of the obstacles in creating an online space for plagiarism-free content creators is that the success of this tool depends on how the platform accepts it.
The more online platforms, social media networks and organizations that adopt it, the greater the chances of success. Unfortunately, this feature will only be released by Adobe Photoshop in a preview or beta version later this year.
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