JAKARTA - The United States Department of Defense or commonly called the Pentagon has recently formed a new group to investigate UFO sightings.

This Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronized Group (AOIMSG) will replace the US Navy's Unknown Airborne Phenomena Task Force.

According to the US Department of Defense as reported by Engadget, "The AOIMSG will synchronize efforts across the US Department and the wider US government to detect, identify, and associate objects of interest in Special Use Airspace (SUA), and to assess and mitigate any associated threats. to aviation safety and national security".

The creation of this task force follows the release of a report last June in which the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) examined 144 sightings of "unidentified aerial phenomena". In just one instance, officials were able to determine what caused the sighting.

For every other incident detailed in the report, ODNI said there was too little data to conclude what happened. If the US government has a chance to better understand UFOs, ODNI says it needs to deploy more resources and a standardized approach across agencies.

It appears the Department of Defense has heeded the recommendation. Their curiosity about UFOs has actually been suppressed for a long time but until now they do not have enough data to reveal the phenomenon clearly.

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