YOGYAKARTA - Adding a new location or address on Google Maps can be done using a computer or laptop. This can make it easier for users, especially to enter addresses and other information because they can write using the keyboard.
Google Maps itself has a feature that allows every internet user to add a new address in their application to help other users find addresses easily, including home addresses.
In addition to entering the address directly using the Google Maps application on the cellphone, users can also enter it using a browser application or a browser on a computer or laptop device.
Users can also enter a home address or personal place into Google Maps. You can also enter the addresses of other places such as shops, mosques, restaurants, and so on to make it easier for Google Maps users to find them.
However, if you want to enter a new address that doesn't belong to you such as a neighbor's or relative's shop, the user should get permission first.
If you have permission, below are the steps you can take to add a new address on Google Maps using the browser on your desktop device.
How to Add an Address on Google Maps Using a Browser
To add a new address in Google Maps via a computer or laptop, the first step you can take is to open a browser application on your device such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Then type Google Maps in the search engine or click the google.co.id/maps site to enter the Google Maps page in your browser.
Find the address you want to add to the map. Right-click on the red pin symbol, then select the add place option from the available menu.
Next, fill in the place information you want to add such as place name, category, location, operating hours (if any), contacts, website, and photos.
When finished filling in the information of the place you want to add, the user can click the Send icon. Wait a while because Google will process your request.
If the request to add an address is granted, the place that you enter into Google Maps will appear when internet users open the application and type the name of the place you uploaded.
This is how to enter a new address into Google Maps using the Desktop. Users can use a browser engine such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to add a new address.
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