YOGYAKARTA - Telegram's instant messaging application has various features that users can enjoy, ranging from private text messages, phone calls, video calls, to group chats that allow users to connect with many people.

To join a chat group on Telegram, users can use the group link, search for a specific group, or be invited by the group's admin.

However, sometimes Telegram users receive group chat invites from new numbers, or strangers you don't know. It also makes your comfort disturbed, especially if you don't know what kind of people the group contains.

But, you don't need to worry because Telegram has a feature that allows its users to limit who can invite you to join chat groups.

This has been summarized by the VOI team in this article and you can practice it by following the steps below.

Making Strangers Can't Invite You

If you don't want to be invited by strangers to join a group chat on Telegram, users can limit who can invite you.

The first step you can do is open the Telegram application on your device and log into the account you have.

Next, click the three-line icon in the upper left corner of the Telegram menu, and select the "Settings" menu.

After entering the settings section, users can select the "Privacy and Security" menu to keep their data safe. Then find the "Group" menu and click on that option.

In the "Group" settings menu, users can set who can invite you to follow certain groups on Telegram. There are 2 options available, namely "Everybody" and "My Contacts".

If you select the "Everybody" menu then all Telegram users can invite you to join the Telegram chat group they created.

Meanwhile, if you select the "My Contacts" menu, only people in your contacts can invite you to join a chat group on Telegram.

Therefore, if you don't want strangers or people not in your contacts to invite you to join a chat group on Telegram, users can select "My contact" in the group settings.

That way only people you know or people in your contacts can invite users to join Telegram.

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