YOGYAKARTA - YouTube has a short video feature called YouTube Shorts. This feature is similar to other existing short video platforms or apps such as TikTok, Snack Video, and others.

With YouTube Shorts users can connect with new viewers on YouTube. This feature can be made easily using a smartphone and the Shorts camera in the YouTube application.

Like other short video apps, YouTube Shorts has a duration of 15 to 60 seconds. For YouTube content creators, this feature is usually used to display a video snippet of the content created.

If you want to be a YouTube content creator, and are looking for ways to grow your channel, the YouTube Shorts feature can be used to connect with YouTube users, to become viewers of your channel.

Below the VOI team has prepared the steps that you can take to create YouTube Shorts videos, so that your channel is better known to YouTube users.

Creating YouTube Shorts Using Your Phone

To make a short video on YouTube, the first step you can do is open the YouTube application that is already installed on your smartphone and log in with your YouTube account.

On the main YouTube page, click the plus icon in the bottom center of your smartphone screen to create a new video.

A menu will appear from which you can choose such as "Upload Video", Live Streaming", and "Create Video Shorts." Select "Create Video Shorts" to start creating short videos on YouTube.

To start recording the video that you created, the user can press the red round icon in the bottom center position.

You can also set the duration of the short video that you make by pressing the 15 or 60 icon. If you select 15 then the video duration is 15 seconds, while if you select 60 then the duration is 60 seconds.

In addition, users can also add sound or music by pressing the add sound menu at the top center. You can also set the flip camera, video speed, and video countdown by pressing the 3 menu icons on the top right.

If you already have a video to upload, without recording it directly, users can enter it as YouTube Shorts by clicking on the gallery or photo icon located at the bottom left.

After finishing recording or entering videos, users can continue the process by pressing the tick icon in the lower right corner.

You can still set some of the details you want before your short video is published, such as sound, text, filters, and more.

When you have finished setting all the details as you wish, the user can proceed by clicking the "Next" button.

Then give the video shorts a title, set the visibility of the video, and viewer selection. After that click, the "Upload" icon at the top right, and YouTube will start uploading it as a short video on your YouTube channel.

That's how to make a short video to upload on YouTube Shorts. With this feature, users can connect and interact with other YouTube users more easily.

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