Indra Sjafri 'Attack' Shin Tae-yong, Warganet: There Are Shrimp Behind The Rock
Photo Caption: PSSI Technical Director, Indra Sjafri (Photo: PSSI)

JAKARTA - The Technical Director of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI), Indra Sjafri, has become the target of netizens. His harsh attitude criticizing the Indonesian national team coach, Shin Tae-yong, actually backfired.

In the PSSI official website, Indra Sjafri was outspoken about the badness of the South Korean coach. He said, Shin Tae-yong had an unprofessional attitude.

This man from West Sumatra considered that Shin Tae-yong's comments to the South Korean media were a signal that Shin was no longer confident in his promise to win the Indonesian national team.

"He actually has many reasons, because he is not sure he can meet the heavy target imposed on our federation," said Indra Sjafri.

Indra Sjafri's attitude sparked negative reactions from netizens. They were busy attacking Indra Sjafri via social media accounts, in Indra Sjafri's last post.

The harsh insinuation was conveyed by the @ridwan_sanur account in Indra Sjafri's last post. He admitted that he was disappointed with the statement by the former Bali United coach who said Shin was not confident.

"Is that a statement from the national coach class who should both promote Indonesian football ... or maybe the coach is behind a rock over the occurrence of this polemic?" he wrote.

"Really really become a coach to make it famous at the World Cup," commented the account @donquixote_byhq_blu.

Screenshot of netizen comments on Indra Sjafri's Instagram

"Coach, there is a time when you will become a senior coach, now give the opportunity to a coach who has been officially contracted by the federation," added the @idhamfathoni account.

There were also netizens who asked Indra Sjafri to differentiate between the interests of Indonesian football and personal interests. Not a few have lost respect for the PSSI Dirtek.

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