JAKARTA The men's singles badminton player Jonatan Christie has not performed at his best when he passed the first round of the Indonesia Masters 2025.
The 2018 Asian Games gold medalist qualified for the second round after winning easily 21-13 and 21-15 over the single Chinese Taipei, Su Li Yang, on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, WIB night.
This result also made up for his journey in the same tournament last year. At that time he was present as the defending champion and immediately fell in the first half.
"Last year the results for me personally really disappointed both at the Indonesia Masters and Open because they had to lose in the early rounds, but thank God at Masters this year we got to the second round," he said.
Indonesia Masters 2025 is Jonathan's third tournament this month. He previously performed at Malaysia and the India Open.
When he came down in Malaysia, his short journey only arrived in the first half. Then in India he reached the semifinals and lost against Viktor Axelsen.
Now he has a very short break before returning to appear in Indonesia so that it affects his performance on the field.
If you assess your performance, maybe not 100 percent because yesterday from India it arrived here Monday. Monday morning from India and arrived here at 12.00 WIB.
"Then the field test was immediately carried out last Tuesday. So, Monday was immediately forced to adapt. However, hopefully in the next match it can be much better," said Jonathan.
Jonathan is the sixth Indonesian representative to secure a ticket for the second half today. As for the men's singles sector, he was the first to make it to the round of 16.
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