JAKARTA - The Metropolitan Police have submitted a complete evidence file regarding Premier League football players accused of raping the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

The player, aged thirty, was arrested in July 2022 in connection with this ongoing investigation. In February 2023 and November 2024 he was interviewed with a warning.

He could not be named for legal reasons. The player has continued to play for his club since his initial arrest and denied the allegations.

"Full files have been submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and detectives continue to cooperate with prosecutors," a Metropolitan Police spokesman told ESPN.

"Those who have reported to the police continue to receive support from Metropolitan officers."

The Crown Prosecution Service is the main public body for criminal prosecution in England and Wales.

When a case is referred to them, the CPS decides whether there is enough evidence to file a lawsuit.

The alleged rape in question occurred in June 2022. While in detention, he was arrested again on suspicion of two rape incidents that allegedly occurred in April and June 2021 against another woman in her 20s.

In February 2023, the man was interrogated with warnings of a sexual crime that was said to have occurred in February 2022. This is related to the third victim.

Polisi tidak akan mengambil tindakan lebih lanjut atas dugaan tindak pidana pada Juni 2021 karena undang-undang yang relevan belum berlaku pada saat insiden tersebut terjadi.

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