JAKARTA - Arema FC managed to pick up the full three points in the match against Bali United on the inaugural matchday of Group B of the 2024 Presidential Cup. Appearing at the I Wayan Dipta Stadium, Gianyar, Singo Edan won 1-0 without being able to reply to Bali whose penalty was precisely parried by Frigeri. Performing at home and hosting, Bali United who received the support of the audience and tried to give the best. But Serdadu Tridatu's troops were surprised by Arema FC's goal at the start of the match. In the 11th minute, Salim Akbar Tuharea managed to break into the Bali United goal. Salim took advantage of Charles Lokoli Ngoy's wild ball kick which was greeted with a hard kick in front of goal. The quick goal of Singo Edan's troops made Bali United try hard to catch up quickly. However a number of opportunities obtained by Everton and friends could not be utilized properly. Unfortunately, none of the host's efforts have yielded results. This situation made Bali United also have to accept the match in the first half ending a goalless draw. Entering the second half, Bali United tried hard to break into Arema FC's goal. Opportunities after opportunities were not successfully maximized by Bali United players. FC's theme managed to keep their goal from entering the last 10 minutes. However in the 83rd minute, Bali United got a penalty. The best opportunity to equalize this position also evaporated. The reason is, Everton, trusted as the executor decided to release a hard shot to the right. But Arema goalkeeper, Lucas Frigeri reacted well. He moved towards the ball coming and made an edge with one hand. The crucial rescue made Arema successfully maintain a 1-0 advantage.

In injury time, Bali United's attacks were even sharper. Lucas Frigeri made another brilliant save from Bali United's free kick which led to the top left corner of the net. The score lasted until the end of the match. Arema won three points after winning 1-0 over Bali United.

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