PSSI has just attended a working meeting of Commission X and Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives to discuss the naturalization of Calvin Verdok and Jens Raven on Monday, May 3, 2024.

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Ir. Hetifah Sjaifudian, MPP as Deputy Chairman of Commission X.

When the chairperson of the meeting asked for the approval of each member of Commission X, there was a question that became a public issue from AA Sukawijaya or known as Yoyok Sukawi.

Yoyok asked for clarity from PSSI regarding rumors that prospective naturalized players were lured with money to move citizens.

You see, changing citizens is not random, especially the players who are naturalized to play in big European clubs. Not to mention that the country of origin of the player has better quality football.

"There are many issues outside, do these naturalized players get paid or the lure of money to join the Indonesian national team?"

"These players are average grade A in their home country. They certainly play in quite good clubs with a large fee too," said Yoyok.

Yunus Nusi, Secretary General of PSSI, who was present as representatives of the federation, denied that the naturalized candidate was promised money to move citizens.

"Alhamdulillah, they (the naturalized players) have never asked for compensation or wish to be given compensation."

"Incidentally, our team, who came directly to the Netherlands, immediately went to their parents."

"In fact, they want to return to Indonesia and strengthen the Indonesian national team, more about the wishes of their parents and grandparents. They want the children to return to Indonesia to fight to strengthen the Indonesian national team," said Yunus.

"This is more about PSSI's communication with parents of naturalized players. None of them ask for compensation of value and others. That means a lot and is valuable to us," said Yunus again.

Yunus Nusi then explained the flow or scheme carried out by PSSI in determining the recruitment of naturalized players for the Indonesian national team.

This is to ensure that none of the prospective naturalized players and those who have become Indonesian citizens (WNI) solely act based on money.

"PSSI has formed a National Team Agency (BTN), one of which is recruiting naturalized players based on the recommendations of PSSI coach and Technical Director."

"That also begins with certain positions that cannot be inhabited with qualified skills from our national (local) players," he said.

"For example, in March 2024, Shin Tae-yong led directly, saw, and selected potential naturalized players. In May 2024, PSSI Technical Director (Indra Sjafri) went to the Netherlands to see the potential of naturalized players."

"Because of the swift expectations of the achievements of the Indonesian national team, Shin Tae-yong hopes that naturalization players can fill the vacant position. The PSSI Executive Committee then approved the recruitment of naturalized players," said Yunus.

Apart from straightening out the rumors circulating, Commission X and III of the DPR RI have approved the request for the naturalization of Calvin Verdok and Jens Raven which will enliven and increase the strength of the Indonesian national team.

The two players are now just waiting for the process to be transferred to the DPR RI Plenary Meeting before taking the oath and transfer of the federation.

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