YOGYAKARTA - Exercising yourself sometimes makes you bored and the atmosphere becomes even more boring. Therefore, how come you can invite your partner as an alternative so that your relationship is getting closer. Need sports recommendations for couples? Listen until it's finished, yes!

By bringing a husband or wife, exercise activities will be more enthusiastic and enthusiastic. What's more, because activities like this can not only make the body healthy and fit, but also make the relationship more attached.

Even so, have you ever felt confused about choosing the type of sport to do with your partner? Don't worry, because there are some sports recommendations that you can really do with your beloved husband or wife. What do you think?

I. Badminton

Badminton is a very exciting sport to try with your partner. Playing badminton in the morning can also be an opportunity for you to bask in the sun with your partner. Not only exciting, this activity will also make you produce sweat in the morning. Badminton or badminton is a suitable exercise to build good cooperation and teach healthy competition.

II. Jogging

This exercise is very suitable for both you and your partner who want to be healthy with light activities. Run small in the cool morning while enjoying the fresh air must be very exciting. When you feel tired, you can take a break while talking together.

Jogging is also useful for reducing weight, so activities that are useful for health, both individuals and with partners.

III. Up and down the stairs

Many do not realize that there are various methods for exercising in the house, one of which is up and down the stairs. This exercise is included in muscle strengthening activity. Undergo this exercise for 30 seconds per step, after that take a break for 30 seconds, and repeat several times for 5 minutes.

Make sure to warm up before implementing it. If there is no stairs, use a small box or sofa as high as your knees with a flat surface. Standing in front of him and live up and down the sofa for 30 seconds, repeated in 5 steps.

IV. Cycling

Cycling with your partner while enjoying a natural panorama along the way can help relieve the stress of the mind due to work. Cycling with your partner can also increase harmony in bonds. This activity can be tried near the complex where you both live.

V. Yoga

Next, try yoga as an option to exercise with a companion that can be tried at home. This activity is suitable for removing fatigue after all day of activity. Not only reducing the risk of mental stress, yoga is also useful for people with high blood pressure. For those who often experience joint pain, yoga can be the right option.

According to research in the Rhematic Disease Clinics of North America in 2011, practicing yoga twice a week can help reduce swelling and pain in the joints. Invite the companion to practice yoga together so that the mood becomes better and calmer. Some yoga movements require style cooperation, which can be tried with the help of your partner. Through yoga, you and your partner can strengthen ties and reduce the level of mental stress while increasing fitness.

VI. Boxing

Boxing can sound extreme because it requires strength of hands in the ring. However, boxing is a sport that trains hand strength and concentration. You can try this sport with your partner while joking in the boxing ring. Not only that, martial arts and silat can also be an alternative for practicing self-defense skills.

VII. Hiking

Time to be alone with your partner to climb mountains is nothing wrong with this. Spending a long time together will increase the opportunity to talk together. Hiking can be a moment to produce beautiful memories while enjoying a beautiful natural view on the top of the mountain. For beginners, you can choose an easy hiking path.

In addition, you must know several things so that your partner's Mood is cheerful again.

So after knowing the sports recommendations for couples, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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