JAKARTA Women's singles badminton player, Ruzana made extra preparations to pay for the trust given to her to appear in the 2024 Uber Cup.

This is the first time Ruzana has appeared in the most prestigious women's team event. The tournament will take place from April 27 to May 5, 2024 in Chengdu, China.

Ruzana said that making his Uber Cup debut was a golden opportunity for him. So, he didn't want to waste the opportunity that is now in front of him.

"Preparatoryly, yesterday I had extra training, there were additions," said the athlete who was born in Lubuklinggau, January 22, 2005, in a statement received.

Ruzana entered the Indonesian squad for the 2024 Uber Cup thanks to his previous slick appearance. One of them is the Sri Lanka International Series 2024 title in February 2024.

Ruzana was completely unexpected on the list of players in the 2024 Uber Cup because it turned out to be faster than the target. He initially had a target of defending Indonesia in the Uber Cup in the next edition or 2026.

Ruzana said that she still spent her Eid holiday when she was called by the Head of Coach Rionny Mainaky, who wanted to confirm whether she was ready to appear or not.

"I answered that my condition was good and ready to carry out my duties. Of course, I am happy to be able to represent Indonesia in an event as big and prestigious as the Uber Cup," he said.

Ruzana and his friends will start the struggle in the 2024 Uber Cup from Group C. They will fly against Hong Kong, Japan, and Uganda.

Indonesia has fasted for the Uber Cup for 28 years. The last time the Uber Cup won occurred was in the 1996 edition.

However, the target of the Indonesian team in the 2024 Uber Cup is only to reach the semifinals.

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