JAKARTA - Indonesia U-23 national team coach Shin Tae-yong played center-back Justin Hubner from the start for the last match of Group A of the 2024 U-23 Asian Cup against Jordan at Abdullah bin Khalifa Stadium, Doha, Sunday.

The Cerezo Osaka player was late in joining the U-23 national team because his staff was needed by the Japanese club.

Hubner just joined his colleagues this Thursday and only played as a substitute for when Indonesia won over Australia that day.

Persebaya Surabaya goalkeeper Ernando Ari was again trusted by Shin to guard the Garuda Muda goal.

Di akan dilindungi oleh duo bek tengah, Muhammad Ferarri dan Rizky Ridho, sekaligus bermitra dengan Hubner.

Two full-backs who appeared from the early minutes against Australia, namely Fajar Fathurrahman and Pratama Arhan, were also relied on by Shin to act on the field.

The center position is inhabited by three players who play in Europe, namely Nathan Tjoe-A-on, Ivar Jenner, and Marselino Ferdinand. Nathan is actually a left back, but he is also quite slick when played as a midfielder.

On the front lines, Shin again fielded two players instead of three players as he faced Australia.

The South Korean coach still entrusted the two positions ahead to Witan Sulaeman and Rafael Struick.

Line-up of the two teams: Indonesia:Ernando Ari, Muhammad Fajar Fathurahman, Muhammad Ferarri, Rizky Ridho, Justin Hubner, Pratama Arhan, Nathan Tjoe-A-on, Ivar Jenner, Marselino Ferdinand, Witan Sulaeman, Rafael Struick Coach: Shin Tae-yongYordania: Ahmad Juaidi, Danial Ahmed Afeh, Arafat Haj Ibrahim, Mohannad Abu Taha, Aref Haitham, Amer Rasem Jamous, Bashar Adiabat, Sief Addeen Darwish, Aon Abbaras Almaharmeh, Baker Kamal Kalbuneh, Faisal Adel Abushanab Coach: Abdullah Abu Zema

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