YOGYAKARTA The weightlifting exercise can build the strength and durability of the arm muscles in the elderly or people aged 60 years and over. This exercise can be done by lifting the barbell in various sizes, ranging from light to heavy ones. So, how much is the weight of the barbell for ages 60 years and over? Check out the full information below.

It has been mentioned above that weightlifting exercises for the elderly can build the strength and durability of the arm muscles.

The recommended weight of the barbell for ages 60 years and over starts from 1 kg. It aims to avoid injury considering someone who is 40 years old will lose one percent of the muscle every year.

Therefore, for the elderly who want to start weightlifting, try not to lift the burden more than 1 kg. In order to get maximum results, do a 30-minute weightlifting exercise.

If you are used to it, the intensity of the weightlifting barbell can be increased by increasing the weight of the barbell according to your ability.

In addition to being able to build the strength and durability of the arm muscle, weightlifting exercises can also make the elderly live a long life.

According to a study, people aged 60 years and over who exercise weightlifting twice a week can reduce the risk of death due to various diseases by up to half of the average potential.

Dr. Jennifer Kraschnewski, assistant professor of Pen State College of Medicine, physical strength training can reduce the risk of death and increase a person's physical and mental strength, both young and elderly.

This research data was obtained from more than 30,000 adults aged 60 years and over. Data compiled from 1997 to 2001 through the US National Health Interview Survey. Nearly 10 percent of parents do physical exercise for the legs, hips, shoulders, arms and chest.

The results of the research stated that routine physical training and lifting weights at least twice a week showed physical resilience of up to 46 percent so that the body was not easily exposed to disease and caused death.

People aged 60 and over who are diligent in doing strength sports are called 41 percent more resistant to heart disease and 19 percent healthier. In addition, they are not susceptible to cancer than those who do not exercise strength.

It doesn't stop there, strength sports, including weightlifting exercises, are also effective in reducing the risk of osteoporosis, back pain, obesity, and diabetes. Body muscles also become stronger, have symptoms, and body function remains optimal to carry out daily activities.

That's information about the weight of the barbell for ages 60 and over. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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