YOGYAKARTA One way to burn calories while helping to lose weight is by walking. The result will be maximized if you know how to maximize your walking to burn calories.

As is known, walking is one of the activities that is easy to do but has various benefits. One of the benefits of walking 30 minutes a day is losing weight to maintaining mental health. However, to do so, there are various things that must be considered.

No matter how old or sex, maximizing footing is important to get satisfactory results. In addition, you will also feel changes in the body when walking regularly. To do so, try to start your walking routine by paying attention to the following things.

The calori that caught fire while walking was quite large. When you walk 1.6 kilometers, the number of calories burned is approximately 100 calories. So that the burned calories do more regular walking.

Don't underestimate stretching because these activities will help stretch as well as activate the body's muscles. Stretching also helps the body warmer and minimize the risk of injury.

It is recommended to increase the burden on the body so that the burned calories get bigger. The addition of the load while walking will also train the leg muscles and the body as a whole. You can add to the burden with a tool.

If conditions allow, try to combine the walk with fire. Combination of walking can be done with a duration of 10 seconds and 2 minutes each. Repeat the movement according to your ability. But don't force yourself to rape. If not possible, you can combine leisurely walking on your feet quickly.

It is undeniable that walking on the hiking trail is indeed quite tiring, but this activity will help burn larger calories. But to do so pedestrians must be careful because when walking on the hiking trail it will burden the knee. It is recommended to adjust to your abilities.

During the walk, you must pay attention to your attitude and posture, namely by facing forward, at constant speed and wider foot range.

When walking, set the tempo from low to high. As a warm-up, you can walk at a slow tempo. Increase the tempo of walking when you feel comfortable.

No need to be ambitious to walk with a high number of steps. You can train it regularly. For example, in the first week you can walk with a total of 5000 steps, upgrading the following week to 6000 steps. This addition is done so that calorie burning is getting bigger and more optimal.

That's information related to how to maximize walking to burn calories. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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