The Central Java Indonesian Self-Defense Sports Committee (KOBI) plans to hold an MMA (mix martial art) match titled "Road to One Pride" in 6 major cities in the region next year. "After the 2024 presidential election, we will create events of at least 5-6 major cities in Central Java, such as Semarang, Solo," said Head of Central Java's KOBI, Kukrit Suryo Wicaksono, in Semarang, Saturday, October 14. So far, he said, the potential for MMA sports in Central Java, especially Semarang and Solo, is very large as evidenced by the full MMA gym with people practicing, but the matches are almost non-existent. "In Central Java, the 'awareness' of high MMA sports, but the event did not exist. I was appointed two weeks after being the Chairman of Central Java KOMBI around the gym, such as▁daya, Lindu Aji, who practiced a lot," he said. He did not want the athletes or prospective MMA athletes to then even ramp up and give up because they had been trained hard training, but never felt a match in the octagon. Some MMA athletes, from various backgrounds, ranging from various backgrounds, ranging from private employees, civil servants, there were also teachers, such as Nurdio who work as teachers or Bagus Hanapi as members of Satpol PP.

Karena itu, kata dia, KOMBI Jateng akan membuat even pertandingan MMA secara berkelanjutan untuk menjamin proses atau keberlangsungan regenerasi atlet di olahraga tersebut."Pertama, tujuan kami adalah bagaimana bisa 'ngonceki' potensi atlet MMA di Jateng. Kalau enggak punya even kan enggak akan bisa tahu. Kedua, bagaimana bisa lebih memasyarakatkan olahraga MMA," katanya.Di even "Road to One Pride" di Jateng, kata dia, nantinya para juara secara otomatis mendapatkan tiket tampil di ajang One Pride secara nasional sehingga jenjang karier atletnya jelas."Juara-juaranya ini nanti otomatis dapat tike di One Pride. Mereka main di 'Road to One Pride', menang, main ke One Pride. Kalau menang, bisa main ke UFC tingkat dunia," katanya.Sebelumnya, KOBI Jateng juga sukses dengan gelaran "One Pride 73" yang pertama kalinya berlangsung di Semarang, tepatnya di Gelanggang Olahraga (GOR) Jatidiri, 7 Oktober lalu.Selain petarung nasional, sejumlah petarung daerah juga meramaikan even "One Pride 73", seperti Nurdiono, Bagus Hanapi dari Sasana Lindu Aji, dan Edy Nur Cahyono dari Sasana Rambo Muaythai 4294.

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