JAKARTA - Two tech innovators, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, went viral because they were said to be holding a mixed martial arts duel (MMA) at the Colosseum, Rome. The plan for the meeting between the two has even reached the President of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Dana White.
Quoted from TMZ Sport on Monday, July 3, a team from Zuckerberg conveyed this plan to Dana White. After receiving the news, Dana White then contacted Italian officials as an effort to coordinate the use of the Colosseum as the location of the duel.
Although it is not yet known for sure when the planned duel for the Meta and Tesla boss will be realized, the enthusiasm of each party's supporters has been clearly seen on social media.
Taking advantage of this enthusiasm, the UFC sees business opportunities by selling souvenirs to attract the attention of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg supporters.
Quoted on Monday, July 3, the UFC has peddled souvenirs in the form of t-shirts through the official website of their online shop onufcstore.com. The black t-shirt is sold with an attractive design for each supporter.
"Zuckerberg vs Musk," reads the white writing design printed in front of the t-shirt.
Although it seems simple without other motifs or pictures, the UFC sells this t-shirt at a fairly high price, at a price of 40 dollars or equivalent to Rp600 thousand.
The t-shirts are sold in various different sizes ranging from size S to 3 XXL. The information written to complete the sale is quite provocative.
The UFC said the sale of this t-shirt was quite rare and invited fans to buy it immediately before it ran out.
"Don't miss the event once in thousands of years, get T-Shirt for Zuckerberg vs Musk today before running out," the caption reads.
The news of the two fights has been blowing for some time, but it started to heat up because Musk wrote a tweet at the start of the month that he was going to fight in the arena with Zuckerberg.
In response, Zuckerberg then responded by uploading a screenshot of Musk's tweet while asking the Tesla founder to send the location. Musk returned to reply by saying that a fight could have taken place in the Colosseum.
Welcoming the invitation to this duel seriously, Zuckerberg has even practiced with Lex Fridman an artificial intelligence researcher. Zuckerberg has also been training on MMA gyms since last September, undergoing Brazilian jujitsu to have the status of a first-degree black belt.
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