JAKARTA - Indonesia has two representatives who will appear in the semifinals of the 2023 Asian Badminton Championship (BAC). The following is the match schedule for the two Red and White hopes.
The BAC last four matches will take place at Sheikh Rashid Bin Hamdan Indoor Hall, Al Nasr Club, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saturday, April 29, 2023.
The match will start at 15.00 WIB. Badminton fans can take part in the appearance of two Indonesian representatives through live broadcasts prepared by TVRI television station.
Indonesia actually sent as many as nine representatives to the quarter-finals. However, seven representatives of them had to go home early from the competition after recognizing their opponents' advantages.
The remaining two Indonesian representatives are the second seeded men's singles Anthony Sinisuka Ginting and the mixed doubles pair Dejan Ferdinansyah/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja.
Anthony Sinisuka will compete against Japanese representative Kanta Tsuneyama. This match will be the sixth meeting for the two badminton players.
In the previous five meetings, Tsuneyama led a 3-2 winning-loss record. Tsuneyama's three wins over Anthony were one of them this year when the two faced off in the quarter-finals of the Malaysia Open.
Meanwhile, Dejan/Gloria will face Chinese pair Jiang Zhen Bang/Wei Sa Xin. This will be the third clash between the two pairs after they beat each other in the previous two meetings.
Dejan/Gloria successfully won in their first meeting in the final of Malang Indonesia International Challenge 2022. Jiang/Wei then avenge the defeat when they faced off at the Indonesia Masters 2022 in the same year.
Schedule of Two Indonesian Representatives in the 2023 BAC Semifinals:
Anthony Sinisuka Ginting vs Kanta Tsuneyama (JEPANG).
Dejan Ferdinansyah/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja vs Jiang Zhen Bang/Wei Sa Xin (CHINA).
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