JAKARTA - Manchester City has appointed former lawyer Boris Jhonson, Lord Pannick KC, to escort them against allegations of financial misconduct filed by the Premier League.

Quoted from The Sun on Wednesday, February 8, Man City received a financial accusation report from the Premier League on Monday. The news was received when the players were heading to the Etihad Stadium.

Fifteen hours before that, Khaldoon Al Mubarak and other executives visited the dressing room during the trip to Tottenham headquarters. However, the source did not mention that there was no notification whatsoever about what happened.

After the 1-0 defeat over Spurs, the squad returned to an afternoon training session at headquarters. But before they stepped onto the training pitch, chief executive Ferran Soriano addressed the squad in the first team building at the City Football Academy.

In his speech, Soriano conveyed the same thing when UEFA banned teams from appearing in the Champions League for almost three years. At that time he insisted that the team had done nothing wrong and would clear their names.

The players were then reported as not so enthusiastic about undergoing training. Looks worried about the fate of the club and themselves.

Regarding the financial allegations that have reached more than 100 cases filed against The Citizens, Pep Guardiola as the manager, still sticks to his team. Sources say Guardiola remains as confident as he did three years ago.

“Whichever league we are in, I will still be here. Even if they put us in League Two, I will still be here. This is the time to stick together," Guardiola said as quoted by The Sun.

“I really believe in the commitment of our players. It's about what they've shown over the years. Nothing has changed,"

"At the end of the season, nobody knows what will happen. Calmly, we will decide what we want. But for the next three months, the commitment will be extraordinary," said Guardiola.

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