JAKARTA - Dakar Rally racer Danilo Petrucci was asked to replace Joan Mir at the San Marino MotoGP in early September. This was conveyed directly by the Suzuki Ecstar team manager, Livio Suppo.
Joan Mir is confirmed to be absent from the follow-up series due to an accident at the Austrian MotoGP last weekend. Suzuki then looked for a replacement.
The choice fell to Petrucci and an offer was made. The driver's manager, Alberto Vergani, admitted that he had received the offer.
However, Vargani said it would be difficult to materialize. Petrucci's current team, Warhorse HSBK Racing Ducati New York, is believed to not be granted permission.
"It's true that Livio (Suppo) offered Danilo (Petrucci). We'll have to see if Ducati can allow him to do that. It looks impossible, but Livio keeps trying", Vergani said, quoted by Speedweek.
On the other hand, Petrucci seems interested in Livio's offer. The former KTM Tech3 racer did not rule out the opportunity to return to MotoGP even though he had to become a temporary substitute rider.
"I'm thinking about it. Maybe so", said Petrucci.
As is known, Mir is confirmed to be absent for 15 days for the injury recovery process. The Spaniard had a terrible accident while racing at the Red Bull Ring Circuit.
Mir had a high side at Turn four. After undergoing examinations, the 2020 MotoGP world champion suffered an injury to the ligaments of his right ankle.
Actually, this team has a test driver, namely, Sylvain Guintoli. However, Guintoli also suffered an injury to his hand and has not yet recovered.
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