JAKARTA - The Indonesian contingent added another gold medal at the 2021 Hanoi SEA Games. The weightlifting branch completed Indonesia's gold collection to 60 medals.

Indonesia's 60th gold medal at the 2021 SEA Games was won by weightlifter Muhammad Zul Ilmi. He won a gold medal in the 89kg class which took place at the Hanoi Sports Training and Competition Center, Hanoi, Vietnam, Sunday, May 22.

The Aceh lifter successfully posted a total lift of 337kg with a snatch of 150kg and a clean and jerk of 187kg. He became the winner after the Thai lifter missed his last chance in the clean and jerk round.

Zul Ilmi opened the snatch with a smooth start with a weight of 143kg. He then managed to lift the 147kg barbell without any problems.

Getting encouragement from the Indonesian supporters, as well as some of the host residents, Zul Ilmi managed to close the snatch round with a weight of 150kg.

After a pause of 15 minutes, Zul Ilmi started the clean and jerk category with a few obstacles. He failed at the first lift of 183kg.

The athlete from Aceh Besar was only able to lift the 183kg barbell on the second occasion.

Zul Ilmi competed fiercely with Vietnamese lifter Tuan Anh Bui when the host's representative managed to record a total lift of 334kg. However, he managed to lift 187kg on the last opportunity in the clean and jerk round, while also posting a total lift of 337kg.

Even so, Zul Ilmi couldn't breathe a sigh of relief. Because, his opponent Tharaphan Phcharamethi challenged for the 187kg weight. However, the lifter from Thailand failed to lift, which made Zul Ilmi take home the gold medal.

The silver medal in the 89kg class was won by Vietnamese athlete Tuan Anh Bui with a total lift of 334kg (147kg snaps and 187kg clean and jerk). While the bronze was secured by Thai lifter Tharaphan Phcharamethi with 325kg (snatch 140kg and clean and jerk 185kg).

The gold became the third gold won by the Indonesian weightlifting team. The first gold was presented by Eko Yuli Irawan in the 61kg class after recording a total lift of 290kg, with details of the snatch 135kg and clean and jerk 155kg.

The second gold was from Rahmat Erwin Abdullah in the 73kg class after posting a total lift of 345kg with a snatch of 155kg and a clean and jerk of 190kg.

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