JAKARTA - As a fellow badminton player, Rosiana Tendean is deeply saddened by the passing of Indonesian badminton hero Verawaty Fajrin. As long as she was sick and lying in the Dharmais Hospital in Jakarta, Rosiana was very caring. Countless times she visited her best friend in the hospital. She was also the one who reported about Vera's illness to the outside world.

Now her best friend is gone forever. "As a friend, I am very saddened by the departure of Mrs. Vera. However, efforts to cure her from her illness have been maximal. Treatment has also been carried out, treatment at the hospital has also been carried out, but the Almighty seems to love her more. She is now gone forever," said Rosiana when contacted by VOI by telephone, Sunday, November 21.

According to Rosiana, she will accompany her friend's body to the Tanah Kusir TPU, the place the family chose for Verawaty's late burial. "I'll just go straight to the Tanah Kusir TPU, because going to the funeral home is too far and I don't think I have time," she said.

Before Verawaty died, not only did Rosiana visit her best friend at the hospital, she also kept in touch with her family; children. "We miss her very much as a badminton hero," she continued.

What can be imitated from Fera's figure, said Rosiana, is her fighting spirit and spirit that never goes out. "When she plays on the field her enthusiasm is extraordinary. She will fight to the end no matter what the outcome of the match is. This is what young badminton players need to emulate, who is currently pursuing a career. Never give up until the match is over," recalled Rosiana about the figure of Verawaty Fajrin.

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