JAKARTA - The coach of the Indonesian national team, Shin Tae-yong admits that the limitation of calling players to the national team is a disadvantage. However, on the other hand, he also supports the decision.

Shin Tae-yong is only allowed to call up a maximum of two players from each club to join the Garuda squad. This is a decision that has been agreed upon between Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) and PT. LIB as the organizer of the league competition.

For Shin Tae-yong, the decision is considered detrimental to the national team. However, the South Korean coach continued, the policy was indeed necessary.

"It is indeed detrimental to the Indonesian national team, but in my opinion, there is a need for progress in the league," said Shin Tae-yong to the media crew after holding training at Field B, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday night.

Previously, the PSSI and PT. The LIB stated that Liga 1 will continue even after the 2020 AFF Cup takes place. With these conditions, each club then agreed to send two players to the national team so that the competition ran smoothly.

Therefore, Shin Tae-yong claimed to have no problems and chose to understand the existing conditions and situations. Moreover, the provisions were already included in the collective agreement.

“Indonesian football will move forward. So, we both gave in," he said.

"There is a promise from the league to release two players from each club for the AFF Cup."

In the 2020 AFF Cup, the Indonesian national team is in Group B with Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. The tournament will take place in Singapore on 16 December.

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