JAKARTA - Ferrari is one of a number of supercar manufacturers who want to maintain the V12 engine for its future model. What's more, the manufacturer with the rigid horse' logo has applied for a patent design for this type of machine.
Reported by Top Gear, Saturday, March 22, it is known that Ferrari filed a patent design for a new V12 machine that uses an oval-shaped piston or different from a car in general.
It is reported that the piston will have a flat side to the inside which was previously circular, so that it can stick to each other more neatly. This means that the machine will have a smaller size.
The purpose of this innovation is to provide driving machines for vehicles without any shortages, such as cylindrical groups and pistons with a higher longitudinal footprint and it is hoped that production will be easier and can reduce production costs.
By reducing the engine, of course the V12 engine will have a longer life because its size is more compact, easier to produce, and cost-effective. Although the information about the machine is still minimal, it is estimated that this new V12 engine will be used in the successors of 12Cilindri in the future.
As a succession of 812 Superfasts, Ferrari 12Cilindri itself has a 6.5 liter V12 engine configuration capable of excitable 819 hp. This is coupled to the transmission of eight responsive dual-clutch accelerations.
Coupled versions can run from 0 to 100 km/hour in 2.9 seconds and 0 to 200 km/hour in just 7.9 seconds. Meanwhile, the spider has a slightly slower speed that takes 2.95 seconds to speed from 0 to 100 km/hour and 8.2 seconds for 0 to 200 km/hour.
With this wild performance, 12 Cilindri can run at the highest speed of up to 340 km/hour.
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