JAKARTA - PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM), as the sole agent of Honda brand holder (ATPM) in Indonesia, will present more electrification lines to be marketed in the country.

The move set by the company is no joke, as they will launch at least four new environmentally friendly models next year nationwide.

Sales & Marketing and After Sales Director of PT HPM, Yusak Billy announced that his party will launch a model of two hybrid models and two Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) lines for next year.

"In 2026 we will continue to add electrification lines and continue to innovate by launching four new models, consisting of hybrid SUVs, hybrid sports, small BEVs, and BEV SUVs," Billy said in his presentation to the media during a breaking of fast with the media in Sunter, Jakarta, Friday, March 22.

Billy also added that one of the models was the family of the 0 Series which had been introduced in the United States (US).

"There is one model from the 0 Series that we plan to present next year," added Billy.

He explained that this was a long-term commitment launched by Honda, adjusting its global vision to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2040.

"This is our long-term commitment, not just a trend with the hope of achieving net-zero carbon by 2040," he explained.

The Honda 0 Series has been launched in the world premiere at the 2025 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) which took place in Las Vegas, United States (US).

The two models are 0 Saloon and 0 SUVs that were previously featured in the form of concepts at last year's edition of the CES event. Both will be Honda's future vehicle and introduced globally in 2026.

Yang nantinya akan masuk ke Indonesia adalah 0 SUV yang hadir berdasarkan konsep Space-Hub yang diluncurkan pada CES 2024 lalu. Model tersebut menawarkan nilai baru pada EV dalam menawarkan ruang dan dimensional yang lega.

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