Hyundai Ensures There Will Be A Global 'World Premiere' Debut For Car Models At The GIIAS 2024 Event
SEVEN is an SUV for Hyundai's electric concept with an amazing design. (Doc. Hyundai Global)

JAKARTA - The grand exhibition of the 2024 Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) will take place in July, and interestingly, there will be 11 world premieres and 300 new motorized vehicles that will launch at this exhibition.

Of course, not a few are curious about what brands will launch the world premiere at the event. However, it has just been confirmed that one of the brands from Hyundai will launch a new model or world premiere at the exhibition.

This was revealed by the Chief Operating Officer of Hyundai Motors Indonesia, Fransiscus Soerjopranoto, when asked by the media crew he also confirmed that there would be a new model (world premiere).

"Yes, but wait, the main thing is that there will be no mention of it later," he told the media crew during Hyundai's halal bihalal event in the Jakarta area, Wednesday night, May 8.

Unfortunately, he did not elaborate in more detail regarding the latest model, when asked whether the model in question, namely pure electricity, did not answer.

"Thank you friends for actively looking at the global Hyundai model, but we will continue to enliven the market both CKD and we study it," he added.

He further emphasized that the world premiere that will be held at the GIIAS event, will not necessarily be launched worldwide.

"When it comes to world premieres, it is not introduced directly around the world. If we show this for the Indonesian market, we will develop it again to ASEAN countries in other words, Indonesia will become the basis for exports, not to mention that there are other markets that ask for. But I emphasize again that it doesn't have to be big (to the whole world)," he concluded.

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