JAKARTA - Astra is again holding the 'Astra Siaga Lebaran', in order to support the routine of the community during the Eid homecoming trip, which will take place from 5 to 14 April 2024.

Carrying the theme 'Safe, Smooth, And Comfortable Homecoming With The Presence of Astra Alert Services', Astra Alert Eid 2024 will provide 299 standby workshops and 800 technicians along the Java, Bali, and Sumatra routes.

"This year we provide standby posts spread along the homecoming route from Java, Bali to Sumatra with 600 four-wheeled technicians and 205 two-wheeled mechanics on standby, including in Tebing Tinggi, Palembang, Lampung, Merak, Cikampek, Purbaleunyi, Cipali, Palikanci, Brebes, Salatiga, Jombang, Probolinggo, and Tabanan," said Astra Johannes Loman, at the Kick Off Astra Alert Lebaran 2024 event held at Catur Dharma Hall, Astra Tower, Jakarta, Monday, April 1.

This year, Astra Siaga Lebaran 2024 also added 130 Astra standby workshops for four wheels, and 169 for two wheels spread throughout Indonesia and continue to operate during normal working hours on Eid holidays. The goal is that travelers' vehicles can continue to receive the best care during the Eid homecoming holidays.

Not only that, Astra also prepared 61 24-hour Alert Guards and 66 Emergency Roadside Assistance will participate in providing emergency assistance to travelers.

It should be noted that 16 Astra four-wheeled standby posts along the Java, Bali and Sumatra homecoming routes, namely:

Cipali: Rest area toll Cipali KM 166 A.

Homecomers can stop for a moment to check the vehicle in the form of light service and use the facilities available at the Astra Rest Post, such as food and snacks, as well as the use of a free wifi network.

As a tangible manifestation of the support for the sustainability movement. Astra also provides three electric energy charging stations for four-wheeled vehicles on several toll roads on the island of Java, including:

Astra Group Collaboration Supports Integrated Homecoming Services

The 2024 Eid Alert Astra can take place through the support of more than 600 car technicians serving travelers at Alert Posts and Alert Workshops, as well as quality emergency services from ERA AstraWorld and also the 24-hour Alert Guard. As for two-wheeled vehicles, 205 AHAS mechanics are ready to serve travelers at the Honda Homecoming Command Post, AHASS Alert+, AHASS Alert. And 240 Honda Cares are also available to assist emergency services on the road around the travelers' location.

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