YOGYAKARTA - The trigger for damaged car shockbreakers must be understood. This is important, so that the sense of driving is maintained and safe. Curious about the cause of the car shockbreaker being easily damaged?

The reason is that if the shockbreaker is damaged, the car speed becomes unstable. What's worse, it can cause an accident. Surely you don't want this to happen, do you?

Usually, the trigger for the car's shockbreaker is indeed a matter of inadequate driving behavior. It's just that it's not just that. There are times when the components of these legs are damaged due to age.

Want to know more details about what caused the car shockbreaker to be damaged? Here's the details discussion:

1. Aus Car Tires Left

The trigger for the car shockbreaker was the first damage, which was due to neglect on the aus tires. The car's aus car makes the car not balance between left and right. This will be very meaningful when the car is driving," said the car's mechanical son in the East Jakarta Otista number.

Therefore, when checking the state of the shockbreaker, it is also good to pay attention to the condition of the car tires. The condition of the tires that are on the surface is wavy.

If used for a long time, of course, it will make the shockbreaker work extra. Because when the vehicle's aus car tire is running, it will be difficult to protect the balance when it turns.

2. Cars Often Turn Sharp

Very often turning the steering wheel sharply also affects the shockbreaker situation. Moreover, those who have the potential to be damaged will become more severe.

Especially if you drive a car at high speed. This causes shockbreakers to be required to work harder. If you want a shockbreaker to last long or live long, then drive naturally.

3. Cars Often Beat Holes

One of the triggers for car shockbreakers to be easily damaged is the omission of leaked shock oil. Shockbreakers that leak usually occur because they often beat potholes or speed traps.

At that time, there was a possibility of a knock shockbreaker and caused the seal to shift so that the oil leaked. Another trigger, the car shockbreaker was also damaged because the pad on the shockbreaker had been torn.

If it has been detected that it has leaked, it should not be allowed, for example, to immediately make changes. Not only that, it is better if the car owner sees firsthand the physical state of the shockbreaker whether his condition is still suitable for use or not.

If the shockbreaker's condition is very severe, rough or even twisted, it can be ascertained that the car's shock braker is damaged and can no longer be used.

Twisted Shockbreakers usually occur due to violent collisions on the road. The leaked shockbreaker oil can also be caused because the car often carries a burden overcapacity.

4. Often Carry Overloads

Another trigger for damaged car shockbreakers is that they often carry excess loads. This will be exacerbated when the road that is traversed is a damaged road.

The impact requires cars to work hard to get through the terrain. Including the shockbreaker in charge of holding it so that the car is always normal and safe.

"By carrying a burden outside the capacity, shock will work extra and press deeper. This is what can make oil seal in shockbreakers burst, until they finally experience leakage," added Putra.

Not only that, it is also dangerous to carry an arm control pad or a twisted control arm, until it will eventually bring a new problem, namely the tire becomes fast.

Troubled control arm also causes sound when the car is accelerated or braked. Not only that, the handling is also less precise.

5. Shockbreaker Often Left Dirty

Another faulty car shockbreaker trigger is the omission of attached dirt. This matter must be known, because dirt also has the potential to cause shockbreakers in leaked cars.

The reason is that the dirt attached to the shockbreaker pole can cause the rubber seal to tear. If so, the shock oil can leak through the torn rubber sidelines.

If there are signs of oil in a leaking shockbreaker and flowing out of the tube, it shows that the car shockbreaker is damaged, or the condition has been eroded. To repair it, you can serve shockbreker by replacing oil and seal.

6. Age Using Shockbreaker

The last one is the age of wearing a shockbreaker. Age is not the main benchmark for determining the shockbreaker situation.

Although each shockbreaker manufacturer has a claim of age, for example 4-5 years. In reality, there are those that exceed the limit and feel the shockbreaker condition is still fine.

Even so, the age of use from this manufacturer can at least be a reference for checking shockbreakers to expert technicians when they reach their age and distance.

In a natural condition where cars are often used every day, the age of using shockbreakers is 4 to 5 years. But if the car is rarely used or just passes a smooth road, the age of the shockbreaker can reach 10 years.

If a car often passes through potholes, especially when it is often driven at large speeds on uneven roads, the age of using a shockbreaker can be shorter. For example, only 3 years has to be replaced for new.

So the age of use cannot be used as a standard, still to ensure whether the shockbreaker must be replaced or not. The more decisive thing is its performance in providing driving comfort.

Several shockbreaker manufacturers also said that the quality of the shockbreaker would be maintained from the specified distance. For example, it has a resilience of up to about 80,000 kilometers.

This may be determined by the general situation, the majority of cars that are more often driven on good roads.

In addition, you can also find out what the Lower Arm of the Car is in our article to better understand the car.

So after knowing the cause of the car shockbreaker that was easily damaged, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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