YOGYAKARTA People need to know how to get the car to pass the emission test. In general, vehicles that do not experience fuel burning problems will most likely pass the emission test. Then, what should be done in order to pass the emission test?

Please note, vehicle emission tests are carried out using special tools so that car owners cannot outsmart their vehicles in order to pass the emission test. However, there are several treatments that can be carried out on the car, namely as follows.

It would be nice for the owner of a four-wheeled vehicle to clean the air filter regularly. The reason is, the air filter will have an impact on the low or high hydrocarbon number (Hydrocarbon/HC). When the air filter is dirty, the air supply will be blocked so as to inhibit the air that enters the engine's fuel space. When that happens, the HC number will be high so that it does not pass the emission test.

Basically the vehicle's emissions are related to the combustion process on the car engine. One thing to pay attention to is the engine steering system, one of which is the busy and coils.

When the iron and coils are good, the combustion process in the fuel room of the car engine will go well too. The air and gasoline will burn well so that there will be no residual traces that will cause the car to not pass the emission test.

Also pay attention to the working temperature of the engine aka the radiator on each car because this temperature affects the combustion process. The engine's working temperature must not be too low or high so that the fuel mixture fits the engine. Car owners can periodically check the radiator so that there are no problems in the future.

The oil also has a huge impact on whether or not the emission test is passed. The reason is, oil can seep into the fuel area. When that happens, the burning oil will add residual combustion residue. In addition, the oil will also burden the engine's performance so that the exhaust gas emissions are difficult to control. In addition, choose oils whose function is to help cool the engine so that the temperature is maintained.

The habit of modified car engines has an impact on passing or not emission tests. Owners usually modify the engine by increasing fuel and air mixtures. Speed does increase, but has the potential to make the exhaust gas dirty.

Currently, there are many types of fuel that can be chosen. However, so that the emission gas does not choose too much, choose the best fuel or according to manufacturer's recommendations. Fuel with low otan will make it difficult for the engine to burn so that the exhaust gas will be dirty and the engine performance will also decrease.

The injector cleaner is a tool whose function is to clean and prevent the hole pin injector from the rest of the scrapping. That way the fuel system will be clean. Cleaner injectors are also useful for increasing car performance, preventing the electric engine, and saving fuel.

That's information regarding how to get the car to pass the emission test. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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