JAKARTA - Auto2000, a leading Toyota car dealers network in Indonesia, has prepared a number of facilities to assist customers on the 2023 Eid homecoming trip.

One of the facilities provided is the standby workshop operating during the Lebaran homecoming period. In addition, Auto2000 has also opened 8 standby posts that will operate 24 hours in several regions in Indonesia.

According to Nur Imansyah Tara, as Aftersales Business Division Head Auto2000, all facilities for car repairs will remain open during the Eid leave period in the hope of helping customers by providing services until they arrive in their hometowns. All general repair facilities also continue to operate during the Eid holiday.

"In addition, all general repair facilities continue to operate during the Eid holidays. Happy Lebaran homecoming, may you safely return to your hometown and enjoy the holiday period," Tara said in her official statement.

There are 113 standby workshops prepared spread across Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Bali during 19 to 30 April 2023. In addition, there are 23 workshops that continue to serve customers on Hari Raya. This standby workshop serves all vehicle maintenance needs, ranging from periodic services to light and heavy repairs without additional costs. Customers can book service via Auto2000 Digiroom before visiting the workshop to order service services.

In addition to the standby workshop, Auto2000 also provides standby posts operating for 24 hours. This post is spread across the homecoming routes of South Sumatra, Lampung, Banten, West Java, to East Java. This standby post performs work on repairs to light vehicles in the form of periodic services which take two hours. If the vehicle experiences serious problems while traveling home, customers can use a car towing service in the form of a car towing. In addition, Auto2000 also provides emergency work services to customer locations with the THS-Auto2000 Home Service service.

Auto2000 hopes to help customers on their homecoming trip and provide a comfortable and safe experience. Customers are expected to be able to take advantage of this facility to ensure their vehicle is in prime condition and safely arrive at their hometown.

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