Jakarta, the nation's capital city that always radiates glitter and hope, celebrates its 496th birthday with great enthusiasm. However, behind the glare of the glorious celebration, Jakarta is still haunted by unresolved problems. Since Bung Karno chose Jakarta as the national capital on June 22, 1964, this city has tried to rise and get the honor it deserves. However, on its 496th birthday, Jakarta is still trapped in problems that hinder its progress.

Apart from flooding, one of the undeniable problems is chronic traffic congestion. The number of motorized vehicles in Jakarta continues to increase from year to year. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in 2020, there are around 17 million motorized vehicles in Jakarta. This figure soars to 24.26 million units in 2023. This rapid growth in the number of vehicles has resulted in increasingly severe congestion, affecting the smooth flow of traffic throughout the city.

Not only that but Jakarta is also faced with the problem of increasing population. As reported by jakarta.bps.go.id, the population of DKI Jakarta in 2022 will reach 10.64 million. This significant population growth has put further pressure on existing infrastructure and public facilities. High population density also exacerbates the problem of congestion and limited space in the capital city.

However, the length of roads in Jakarta is not proportional to the number of vehicles. Still, according to BPS data, the length of roads in Jakarta in 2020 is only around 7,087 kilometers. This number is much lower than the number of vehicles which continues to increase every year. This has become one of the main factors causing congestion to get worse, especially on several main roads that act as passageways in Jakarta.

The government has tried to overcome this problem by developing mass transportation in Jabodetabek. Modes of transportation such as the MRT, LRT, TransJakarta, and KRL Commuter Line are the mainstay of the people of Jakarta. Or also apply an odd-even policy. Even though this effort is taken, in reality, it has not completely overcome the existing congestion. So there must be a new breakthrough to overcome this classic problem like congestion.

Another problem that has not been successfully resolved is illegal parking. According to data from the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency as taken from jakarta.go.id, there are 276 official parking lots in Jakarta in 2020. This is insufficient when compared to the number of vehicles. Meanwhile, the latest data regarding the number of illegal parking is not yet available, but from the naked eye, illegal parking cases occur in many corners of the city of Jakarta.

The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has taken firm action to crack down on illegal parking in various corners of the city. Even so, there are still many cases of illegal parking that are difficult to overcome. Heru Budi Hartono, Acting Governor of Jakarta, was urged to take firm action against the problem of illegal parking which is still a classic problem in Jakarta.

Responding to these problems, Jakarta needs to take concrete and innovative steps. Reducing the use of private vehicles, expanding and improving the existing mass transportation system to housing, while making users comfortable, and expanding the road network are important things. Apart from that, increasing the awareness of the people of Jakarta in complying with traffic regulations and supporting pro-environmental policies must also be considered.

In commemorating its 496th anniversary, Jakarta can use this moment to reflect on the challenges it is facing and plan better solutions for its future. Not easy. Because of the matter of roads, for example, you also have to coordinate with the central government. But with creativity, cooperation between the government and the community, and the courage to take concrete steps, Jakarta can become an advanced, comfortable, and sustainable city. Birthday celebrations are not just about parties and entertainment, but rather the right moment to reflect and move forward towards better changes.

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