BANDUNG - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, said that in the defense sector, technological progress is very strategic in order to maintain the integrity of the nation.

"The safety of the nation, the rise of the nation depends on technology," Prabowo said while visiting one of the Defense Industry BUMNs (Indhan) PT Len Industri (Persero) in Bandung, Monday, as quoted by Antara, Monday, November 1.

According to him, the government's hope for the nation's best sons and daughters in the domestic defense industry is very large, so it needs to be supported at all times.

While at PT Len Bandung, Defense Minister Prabowo conducted a review of the Command, Control, Communication, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Room, then the Solar and Electronic Module Production Facility, and the Research and Development of the Radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) Balitbang Kemhan which is at Len Industries.

In his explanation to the Minister of Defense, the President Director of Len Industri, Bobby Rasyidin said that PT Len was committed to supporting the strengthening of the independence of the domestic defense industry, including by implementing a consortium in the development of the GCI Radar.

Meanwhile, he said that the solution to accelerate the independence of the Indonesian defense industry is through the holding of defense industry SOEs in order to balance the strengthening of capital structure and access to funding, increasing competitiveness, bargaining power in cooperation, and technology transfer.

"As well as making operations efficient, and encouraging the overall defense industry ecosystem in the country," said Bobby.

PT Len Industri (Persero) is a Defense Industry BUMN that focuses on C4ISR (Command, Control, Communication, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) and Maintenance Repair & Overhaul (MRO) fields that can support the integration of various national defense systems.

The GCI radar is part of the C4ISR that the Defense Minister reviewed on Monday. Currently, the Research and Development of Radar GCI Balitbang Kemhan is still being developed by a domestic consortium consisting of PT Len Industri, PT LAPI ITB, PT Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI) and PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta.

The GCI radar is equipped with Command and Control which can provide direction and escort for fighter aircraft to intercept and can be used to secure the airspace of the Republic of Indonesia.

In addition, PT Len Industri has superior products and systems, including Communication Tactical Data Link (CTDLS), tactical radio, warship combat systems, drone mission systems, intelligence information systems, which have been used by the TNI and are still under development.

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