JAKARTA - Tambora Police, West Jakarta arrested two of the three robbers armed with axes with the mode of asking for help. This gang often acts in the area of Jembatan Dua, Angke Village, Tambora, West Jakarta. According to officers, one of the perpetrators is still being chased.

Tambora Police Chief, Kompol M Faruk Rozi, said the robbery began when AA (17) came home from work with his friend. When the victim crossed Bridge Two, the victim was called by the perpetrators.

"The perpetrator asked for help. The victim unsuspectingly helped because she saw the perpetrator's female friend vomiting due to alcohol", said the Sector Police Chief when confirmed by VOI, Friday, October 29.

When the victim approached, the police chief continued, one of the perpetrators immediately strangled the victim and threatened her with an ax.

"The perpetrators numbered 2 men and 1 woman. They were a gang, then searched the victim and took the victim's cellphone from his jacket pocket", he said.

After successfully seizing the victim's valuables, the perpetrators fled using an angkot (city transportation) they were carrying. The victim immediately reported to the Tambora Police. Members of the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit immediately began hunting for the perpetrators.

The suspect with the initials EK alias Ompong was successfully identified based on information from witnesses. The suspect was arrested not far from the scene. Meanwhile, IF was arrested at the city transportation base (angkot) in the Cideng area, Central Jakarta. While one perpetrator, a woman, is still being chased.

"EK alias Ompong was also developed. Then the suspect IF alias DG was arrested again at the public transportation base in the Cideng area, Central Jakarta", he said.

Both perpetrators admitted their actions. They were taken to the Tambora Police Headquarters for further proceedings.

"The suspect, IF alias DG, admitted that the ax was hidden under the river in the Cideng area", said the police chief.

The two perpetrators were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code regarding theft with violence. The police also confiscated Oppo branded cellphones and an angkot car heading for Tanah Abang - Jembatan Lima as evidence of the crime.

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