NTT - The Regent of West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) Yohanis Dade said, there were 2.551 school-age children ranging from 7-18 years old in the area who were not in school.

"Children who are not in school are at the elementary/MI education level to high school/vocational school education level," said Yohanis Dade in his remarks at the West Sumba Education Office's public consultation on the Strategic Plan (Renstra) which took place online, Antara, Friday, October 29.

The public consultation activity on the strategic plan of the Education Office has carried out in collaboration with the West Sumba Regency Education Office with the Innovation for Indonesian Children (Inovasi) institution.

Regent Yohanis Dade said the Education Office together with Innovation made a breakthrough so that the 2.551 children who were not in school could return to formal school. "At least they can access education outside of school," said Regent Yohanis Dade.

Regent Yohanis Dade emphasized that the development of the education sector in West Sumba needs to be focused on improving literacy, numeracy, and character education skills, especially for 30.261 school children who are in formal school.

"This includes ensuring that no children drop out of school and continue to receive quality education services," said Regent Yohanis Dade.

He added that the development of the education sector also needs to ensure that children in West Sumba Regency at pre-school age get education at Early Childhood Education (PAUD) institutions.

According to the Regent, Yohanis Dade, pre-school education is very important because the years of childhood begin to form the basis of intelligence.

"Children who enter through preschool have better pre-reading skills, better vocabulary, and stronger basic math skills," he stressed.

Currently, there are 35.798 children attending 304 formal education units ranging from Pre-school (PAUD) to Junior high school (SMP)/Islamic Junior high school (MTS). Demographic bonus opportunities need to be prepared properly from now on, so that children in the Sumba Island region have good abilities and competitiveness to face the world of work in the 21st century.

The role of the Innovation agency in the development of the education sector in West Sumba Regency is very large in designing the technocratic design and the initial draft of the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) specifically for the education sector.

"The West Sumba government hopes that the education strategic plan discussed will become a common reference in developing education in West Sumba Regency," said Regent Yohanis Dade.

Meanwhile, the Director of Innovation, Basilius Bongeteku, expressed his gratitude to the West Sumba Regency government for assisting the Innovation institution in preparing a very strategic plan for the development of the education sector.

According to him, the development of the education sector through the preparation of an education strategic plan is part of the political commitment of the Regent of West Sumba, Yohanis Dade, and Deputy Regent Jhon Lado Bora.

"For us, it is an extraordinary honor because Innovation is involved in the preparation of the strategic plan for education in West Sumba," said Basilius.

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