MEDAN - The Medan City Government, North Sumatra, supports a river patrol team whose job is to clean up trash along the Babura River in the local area.

"We fully support the efforts made by P3KS (Prosperous Village Youth) in this festival," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 28.

In this festival, he continued, there is one activity, namely the action of caring for the Babura River which is filled with walking along the river and at the same time patrolling the garbage in the river.

Bobby Nasution admitted that this united youth and youth festival was to commemorate Youth Pledge Day in Kampung Sejahtera, Central Petisah Village, Medan Petisah District.

"The activities of the youth of Kampung Sejahtera prove that the residents are starting to be active. They even ask the government to go directly to locations that have been known to be unfavorable," said Bobby Nasution.

The mayor of Medan also said that the Medan City Government was focused on improving the 12 rivers that surround this area, so that they become useful potentials.

"Later, we will realize this Prosperous Village, as a culinary place to improve the people's economy. For river sustainability, we coordinate with BWS (River Area Center)," said Bobby Nasution.

Meanwhile, the Head of P3KS, Aminurasid, said that the United Youth Youth Festival commemorates the Youth Pledge Day which will be held on October 26-30 with various activities, including river clean-up, vaccines, and the culinary of the Prosperous Village.

"This activity aims to attract outsiders to come to Kampung Sejahtera. Because the aspirations of the residents of Kampung Sejahtera are to make their people economically prosperous," he explained.

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