JAKARTA - Depok City Government is repairing Pasir Putih Highway in the damaged Sawangan Permai Housing Area. The 140-meter damaged road is estimated to be completed in the next two months.

Quoted from the official website of the Depok City Government, the Head of the Economic and Development Section (Ekbang) of Sawangan Baru Village, Muhammad Rusli said, the work began in early October. The road repair budget ceiling of around Rp430 million comes from the 2021 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD).

"The length of the repaired road is 140 meters. While the width of the road is eight meters with a thickness of 25 cm of cast concrete," he said, Thursday, October 28.

He said that the repair of the Pasir Putih Highway would be carried out in two stages, by working on one side first. This is done so as not to interfere with traffic on Pasir Putih Street.

Before it was repaired, he said, his party had asked the contractor to find an alternative road. However, no alternative road was found that was close to being used by road users who used to cross Pasir Putih Street.

"Instead of making it difficult for residents to have to turn the road, so we do the casting gradually on one side of the road. So residents can still cross the other side of the road. We hope residents are patient if they experience a bit of a queue at that location," he concluded.

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