JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Defense Lieutenant General TNI M Herindra said the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) had implemented and maximized defense diplomacy to support the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

"It is not surprising that in the first year of the pandemic, medical equipment assistance (alkes) from a number of countries, such as the United States (US), Australia, and China were channeled through the Ministry of Defense as a result of Indonesia's defense diplomacy," said the Deputy Minister of Defense in the Paramadina University PGSD webinar entitled "COVID-19 Pandemic and Management of the Indonesian Defense Sector", online, reported by Antara, Thursday, October 28.

Support for handling COVID-19, especially in the provision of medical devices (alkes) and vaccines. This diplomacy is directed at producing countries or those with excess stocks, he said.

The medical equipment and materials from the diplomacy, he said, were then distributed to 110 hospitals (RS) under the Ministry of Defense and the TNI.

Herindra said the Ministry of Defense made other efforts in dealing with the pandemic. The support provided is in various things, such as personnel, infrastructure, to health facilities.

"The Ministry of Defense Education and Training facility in Jabodetabek was converted into an emergency hospital (RSD) when Dr. Suyoto Hospital was no longer able to accommodate COVID-19 patients. At least 1,650 beds were prepared along with the installation of ICU, IGD, ventilators, and so on, including the involvement of around 670 staff as health support personnel," he said in a press release.

Recently, the Ministry of Defense built the LB Moerdani Hospital in Merauke, Papua, to support the handling of COVID-19.

In addition, said the former Chief of the General Staff of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense has improved the medical capabilities of the auxiliary ship of the Indonesian Navy Hospital, dr. Soeharso-990 and KRI Semarang-594 with the addition of operating room facilities and infrastructure, procurement of medical containers, laboratory medical equipment, and pharmacy.

"Health facilities (faskes) are also used to encourage the achievement of the government's vaccination target," said the former Danjen Kopassus.

The Ministry of Defense transforms the educational institution under its auspices, the Defense University (IDU) to meet the needs of personnel who have adequate knowledge of health sciences can no longer be delayed.

"Defense University's knowledge has been transformed. Not only has it produced experts in defense science, but also experts and practitioners in the health sector who have a defense perspective," said Herindra.

Next, establish a Strategic Logistics Reserve Center (PCLS) to support increasing the country's ability to guarantee food needs. In essence, the world is in danger of experiencing a shortage of food stocks due to the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Viewing food issues as part of security issues is not a form of securitization, but rather to underline that food availability is a form of fulfilling human security or 'human security'," said Herindra.

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