CIAMIS - The Ciamis Regency Government, West Java, has deployed a medical team assisted by the TNI, Polri, and volunteers to achieve the COVID-19 vaccination target of 70 percent dose one of the vaccine target of 998,028 people by the end of 2021.

"In December (2021), our target is to reach 70 percent, of course with the hard work of the Ciamis Regency Government, TNI, Polri, and volunteers," said Ciamis Regent Herdiat Sunarya through a press release in Ciamis, Antara, Thursday, October 28.

He said the Ciamis Regency Government together with elements of the regional leadership communication forum continued to coordinate to make vaccinations a success in realizing group immunity.

The Regent is optimistic that the vaccination target will be realized with the availability of a dose of COVID-19 vaccine. In addition, the current vaccination achievement has reached 48.65 percent or in the next few days it has reached 50 percent.

"Currently the implementation of vaccination has reached 48.65 percent, hopefully in the next one or two days we will reach 50 percent," he said.

He hopes that after the achievement of 50 percent vaccination, Ciamis Regency will re-enter the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 2 from currently Level 3.

"God willing, in early November we will return to Level 2," he said.

The regent added that in an effort to accelerate the achievement of vaccination, all levels of sub-district and village heads were instructed to continue educating and providing understanding to the public about the benefits of vaccination.

According to him, false and misleading news about vaccinations are still circulating among the public so that the role of government officials and other elements of society can work together to overcome the information.

"Currently, hoaxes are circulating non-stop, there are a lot of misleading news and false news to the public, the sub-district head and village head must be able to fight the news so that people can flock to carry out vaccinations," he said.

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