JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating the alleged involvement of brokers or intermediaries related to the land acquisition process at SMKN 7 South Tangerang which led to allegations of corruption. This was done by examining a number of witnesses on Tuesday, October 26.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that the two witnesses they examined were Farid Nurdiansyah, who is a private party, and the Principal of SMA 8 Tangsel.

"The witnesses were present and their statements were examined, among others, related to the alleged existence of intermediaries or brokers," Ali told reporters, Thursday, October 28.

Not only that, these witnesses were also investigated regarding profit sharing from related parties in the land acquisition process to build SMKN 7 Tangsel.

Apart from the two, the KPK has also examined two other witnesses on Monday, October 25. They are private parties named Suyadi and Sofia M. Sujudi Rassat who are housewives.

Ali said that there were a number of things that were confirmed to Suyadi and Sofia, and one of them was related to the ownership of their land which became the construction site for SMKN 7 Tangsel.

"The witnesses were present and confirmed, among others, related to the witnesses' land ownership which is suspected to be used as land for land acquisition for the construction of SMKN 7 Tangsel, besides that it is also related to the value of the land price and the payment process," said Ali.

Previously reported, Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said the alleged corruption in land acquisition for SMKN 7 South Tangerang has the same modus operandi as the land acquisition case in Munjul, Pondok Ranggon, East Jakarta.

He revealed that the land used to build SMKN 7 Tangsel was not sold by the actual land owner.

Not only that, Alexander also said that the detention of the suspects in the alleged corruption case in land acquisition would be carried out. Moreover, the KPK is now just waiting for the exposure of the process of handling this case.

"I'm sure it shouldn't take too long and how simple the land acquisition is," said Alexander to reporters, Wednesday, October 27.

For information, the KPK announced that it was investigating allegations of corruption at the Banten Province Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud). This riot is related to land acquisition to build SMKN 7 South Tangerang in 2017.

During the investigation, searches were carried out at the homes and offices of related parties in Jakarta, South Tangerang, Serang and Bogor. In addition, the investigators have called for witnesses to collect information.

However, until now the KPK is still closed about the construction of this alleged corruption case and who has been named as a suspect. Later, information dissemination and announcements of those involved will be made when arrests or detentions are made.

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