JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan stated that the realization of the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Jakarta until 2021 has exceeded the target of his political promise in the DKI Jakarta Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2017-2022.
"The MSME growth target in the RPJMD is 200,000, but the realization until 2021 has reached 287,000 MSMEs. The target has been exceeded," said Anies Baswedan in his remarks at the "Jakpreneur Fest 2021 Appreciation Night" at the Mandiri Museum, West Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Sunday, 24 October.
Anies Baswedan at the 2017 DKI Jakarta election campaign delivered a campaign promise, namely the "One Kecamatan One for Center Entrepreneurship (OK Oce)" program.
The OK Oce program was later changed to Jakarta Entrepreneur (Jakpreneur) which continues to encourage the growth of MSMEs and stimulate the economic growth of the people in Jakarta.
According to Anies, SMEs that are just growing are not left alone to grow, but they are accompanied by MSME collaborators in 44 sub-districts in DKI Jakarta. A total of 155,000 SMEs accompanied by collaborators and 177 SMEs received direct training.
"So this is an extraordinary collaborative work for mentoring and fostering MSMEs. The government only facilitates," he said.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, said Anies, in assisting MSMEs applies the principle of increasing the small, not reducing the large.
Anies said, let the big business actors continue to grow and attract the small ones, but the small ones cannot just develop if there is no healthy ecosystem and a good coaching process is not built.
"That's why Jakarta built the Jakpreneur concept. This Jakpreneur was part of our promise during the election campaign, and was realized in the 2017-2022 DKI Jakarta RPJMD. There are 44 Entrepreneurship Development and MSME Assistance Posts in each District," said Anies.
This program provides business development facilities through the stages of registration, training, mentoring, facilitation of licensing, marketing facilitation, facilitation of financial reporting, and facilitation of access to capital.
Anies explained that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government pays serious attention to the development of MSMEs by providing assistance with access to capital of up to more than Rp500 billion for all MSME actors.
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