JAKARTA - The Director of Education at the Directorate General of Hindu Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, I Gusti Made Sunartha, targets that in every province in the country, a Hindu boarding school and/or school can be built.

"We are targeting each province to have one widya pasraman and/or Hindu school," he said in Denpasar, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 15.

Especially in the Province of Bali, it is even targeted to establish a formal pasraman at the PAUD or Pratama Widya Pasraman level to the high school level (Utama Widya Pasraman) in each district.

The Hindu-based pasraman and/or school construction program was launched by Sunartha, after he was appointed Director of Education at the Ministry of Religion's Hindu Community Guidance Directorate General on October 8, 2021.

According to him, "Island of the Gods" has the opportunity to have a level of religious education, by looking at the number of Hindus who are the majority in Bali.

"We hope that in Bali there will be one Pratama Widya Pasraman (PAUD level), one Adi Widya Pasraman (SD level), one Madyama Widya Pasraman (junior high school level) and one Utama Widya Pasraman (high school level) in Bali," he said. .

His party assesses the reality of the inequality of Hindu education that has been happening so far. There are public and private Hindu colleges that produce a large number of graduates. However, it is not absorbed below because it does not yet have a school/institution.

"For example, a graduate of Hindu Religious Education," he said.

This, he said, had an impact on limited job opportunities coupled with the fact on the ground that the "floating" appointments between regional autonomy and the central government were related to the presence of religious teachers.

Sunartha added that specifically for Bali, widya pasraman, and/or Hindu schools will take the spirit and spirit of "Sad Kerti Loka Bali" with the aim of teaching Balinese religion, customs, and culture in an institutionalized way from generation to generation at every level and level of education.

"Pasraman and Hindu schools in Bali must of course be born and carry the spirit of the culture itself. We hope that it is also in line with local government programs and also the spirit of maintaining the existence of noble Balinese culture," he said.

To achieve these targets, he expects support from all parties, from local governments, universities, community organizations, and the wider community.

"We hope for support from all 'stakeholders'. We will continue to maintain and develop the Hindu pasraman and schools that are already running with various evaluations and improvements as well as more intensive assistance," he said.

In addition, said Sunartha, together to realize the existing targets for a better future of Hindu religious education.

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