JAKARTA - The government ensures that COVID-19 cases after the implementation of PON XX Papua will be handled properly so that people do not need to worry.

"The public does not need to worry, the post-PON XX COVID-19 cases have been handled properly," Minister of Communications and Information Johnny G Plate quoted Antara, Thursday, October 14.

The government, said Johnny, implemented a mechanism for handling COVID-19 cases after PON XX comprehensively, which included departure from Papua to arrival at their respective destination areas.

PON XX is an example of managing a major event during the COVID-19 pandemic. "The government is not only preparing the pre and implementation process, but also preparing the mechanism for handling COVID-19 cases after PON XX," Johnny explained.

Regarding 83 people who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 as of October 11, 2021, according to the Minister of Communication and Information, this is proof that screening efforts are going well. Those who are positive are also subject to centralized quarantine and spread tracking.

Johnny explained that the government ensures this by implementing a safe return mechanism for PON participants. This mechanism includes monitoring of COVID-19 by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transportation until D+5.

PON participants will also go through an RT-PCR test before departure from Papua and upon arrival at their destination.

PON participants who are positive for COVID-19 will go through a centralized quarantine process for 5 days and return to undergo the RT-PCR test on the 4th day of quarantine. "The cost of testing and quarantine is borne by the Regional Government and the regional COVID-19 Task Force," he said.

The Minister of Communication and Information said, to implement the mechanism, the government immediately corrected SE Kasatgas COVID-19 No. 17/2021. This mechanism is effective from 12 October 2021.

All results of the evaluation of the implementation of PON XX will be an important note for improvement in the next big event.

The Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny revealed, based on the results of the evaluation of the athletes who were confirmed positive, the highest risk of transmission was found in lodging and accommodation places to eat and drink.

There is also a high risk of exchange during physical contact in a match, and close contact in the match area.

Based on the lessons learned from PON XX, he continued, the government set several things to become health protocols at the next big event.

First, the COVID-19 Task Force for each event needs to be given sufficient authority to implement health protocols. Second, the dormitory used must accommodate a safe distance between participants.

"Meanwhile, the third and fourth are routine random PCR tests for athletes during the match and the isolation room must be ready," said the Minister of Communication and Information.

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