JAKARTA - Rachel Vennya was proven to have escaped from quarantine at the Wisma Atlet Pademangan after returning from the United States with the help of TNI personnel. The head of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Covid-19 Task Force, Zubairi Djoerban, strongly quipped at the Instagram celebrity.

Zubairi Djoerban said all Indonesian people are obliged to follow the quarantine process after returning from abroad. Especially if the country visited is a country with a large number of cases.

This obligation is not tolerated. Whether she is a public figure, a celebrity, or an ordinary citizen, she must carry out the quarantine period according to the rules.

No one should feel privileged. Because if you violate quarantine rules, other people can become victims.

"Whoever you are. The suspected celeb and allegedly escaped, and was allegedly assisted by officers. You cannot leave quarantine for any reason. This puts the community at risk. Especially if you come from a super high-risk country. Don't feel privileged", Zubairi tweeted via a tweet on his personal Twitter account @ProfesorZubairi, Thursday 14 October.

Head of Information for Military Command, Colonel Arh Herwin BS, confirmed that the Rachel Vennya program was not entitled to a quarantine facility at Wisma Atlet after returning from the US. Rachel Vennya was assisted by TNI personnel starting from Soekarno-Hatta Airport until finally there was a scene in the social media world about Rachel Vennya's escape.

“In the Rachel Vennya case, the program shows that the person concerned is not entitled to these facilities. During the investigation of the case, it was found that there were allegations of non-procedural actions by members of the Soetta Airport security (TNI) with the initials FS, who had arranged for Rachel Vennya's program to avoid quarantine procedures that must be passed after traveling from abroad", explained Colonel Herwin.

Military Command investigated the viral news of Rachel Vennya's escape from quarantine at the Wisma Atlet Pademangan Hospital. The investigation started from the airport to the Wisma Atlet. It was found that Rachel Vennya had run away with the help of TNI personnel starting from the process at Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

"From the results of the temporary investigation, there were findings that there were unscrupulous members of the TNI in the Security Task Force at the airport who carried out non-procedural actions", continued Colonel Arh Herwin.

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