JAKARTA - The government asks business actors to comply with the regulations related to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 11 of 2020 concerning Procedures for Determining the Benchmark Price for Metal Mineral and Coal Sales or the Mineral Reference Price (HPM). The rule was made to provide justice to miners with a smelter.

"The government here is in the position of referee, it will not take sides with anyone. However, we ask all business actors, both miners and smelters, to comply with the rules that have been set and agreed upon. from warnings, cutting exports to even revocation of permits, "said Septian Hario Seto, Deputy VI of the Investment and Mining Coordination Sector, Septian Hario Seto in a statement quoted from Antara, Jakarta, Friday, July 24.

Sanctions against parties who do not comply with regulations related to HPM can include written warnings, temporary suspension of business activities or cutting exports, to revocation of business licenses. The imposition of sanctions must be supported by all ministries / agencies, including the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Trade.

The stipulation of regulations regarding HPM aims to create a balance between miners and smelter entrepreneurs, especially encouraging good mining practices while maintaining the competitiveness of the downstream industry in Indonesia. In addition, it is also to optimize the potential for tax revenue in Indonesia.

Domestic nickel trading system regulations that refer to HPM are not determined unilaterally, because they are the result of discussions and collective agreements with business players and mineral sector policy makers, particularly nickel. The parties involved include nickel miners represented by APNI, and mining companies and smelter companies represented by AP3I.

Even so, there are still practices in the field that are not in accordance with the agreed rules. Market mechanisms are not running well despite the relaxation of export policies that have been put in place, because the domestic nickel ore price remains low.

Therefore, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment coordinates with the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises and BKPM regarding the implementation and supervision in the process of buying and selling nickel ore from miners to smelters.

The government will also form a task force (task force) to ensure the implementation of regulations regarding HPM in the field. The task force will also routinely evaluate and be authorized to impose sanctions on parties proven to have violated and not following the rules.

"The government will not compromise on the ban on nickel ore exports. This is a mandate of the law. Justice must be upheld well to all business actors, therefore we ask all parties to obey the rules. I think this is very simple, very clear. All parties are left to execute, "said Seto.

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